New Fiscalization in Serbia

How to choose the best LPFR for you?

Wednesday, January 26. 2022. At 3 PM (CET)


As someone who is passionate about fiscalization, we are thrilled to invite you to join us on January 26th at 3 PM for our new webinar!

You will get the opportunity to learn more about new fiscalization in Serbia.

We will talk about LPFRs and their functionalities, how to choose the best LPFR for you and we will also compare some of the LPFRs there are on the market.

Our fiscal experts have prepared important information for you, so get ready to learn and ask questions you might have at the end since we are having our famous Q&A session.


Webinar duration: 60 min / Official language: English

Teodora Dunčič Magazin - Welcome and introduction

Danilo Krstonijević - Overview of new fiscalization in Serbia and main functionalities of LPFR

Tara Nedeljković - What is important for you to know when choosing your LPFR

Ištvan Božoki - Comparison of some of the LPFRs on the market

Q & A session



Teodora Dunčič Magazin, Marketing Manager, Fiscal Solutions d.o.o.


Tara Nedeljković, Legal Consultant (Legal Specialist), Fiscal Solutions d.o.o.

Danilo Krstonijević, Account Manager, Fiscal Solutions d.o.o.

Ištvan Božoki, Technical Product Manager, Fiscal Solutions d.o.o.

Fiscal Solutions Marketing team

If you have any questions about his Webinar, do not hesitate to contact us at

Also, please register with the email address with the company's domain, since our system does not support registration with the Gmail domain.

We are looking forward to hosting you!

Yours truly,

Fiscal Solutions Marketing team

Get knowledge. Be prepared on time.

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